Mutual Fund
Mutual Funds are among the most preferred equity investment with all types of investors. They are also fast becoming a good way to invest in Debt as well.  Investing in mutual funds is among one of the best means of creating wealth over the long term. In fact, mutual funds represent the hands-off approach to entering the equity market. There are a wide variety of mutual funds that are viable investment avenues to meet a wide variety of financial goals. This section explains the various aspects of Mutual Funds.

Investing in Mutual Funds offers several benefits:

Professional expertise
: Fund managers are professionals who track the market on an on-going basis. With their mix of professional qualification and market knowledge, they are better placed than the average investor to understand the markets

: Since a Mutual Fund scheme invests in number of stocks and/or debentures, the associated risks are greatly reduced.

Relatively less expensive: When compared to direct investments in the capital market, Mutual Funds cost less. This is due to savings in brokerage costs, demat costs, depository costs etc.

: Investments in Mutual Funds are completely liquid and can be redeemed at their Net Assets Value-related price on any working day.

: You will always have access to up-to-date information on the value of your investment in addition to the complete portfolio of investments, the proportion allocated to different assets and the fund manager’s investment strategy.

: Through features such as Systematic Investment Plans, Systematic Withdrawal Plans and Dividend Investment Plans, you can systematically invest or withdraw funds according to your needs and convenience.

SEBI regulated market
: All Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and function within the provisions and regulations that protect the interests of investors. AMFI is the supervisory body of the Mutual Funds industry.
Type of Mutual Funds [ Click Here ]
Why Mutual funds might make sense for you ?
Mutual funds are the products which are formed on the philosophy that many inexperienced and uninterested people who have money but no knowledge will pool all the money together and hire a person who has experience , understand the markets well , and can take better decision . This person also has all the time dedicated to investing , so that thousands of investors dont have to monitor the investments and the returns which will be generated will be distributed to investors after paying this fund manager for services. If you think about it, Mutual Funds may meet most of your requirements in order to create wealth over the long term.

Sunshine Financials believes that a large part of our clients investible savings should be invested through well-selected diversified Mutual Funds that have delivered value to investors over the long term.
To get a fresh perspective on how to achieve your financial goals, call us at +91 98455 99145 for a free appointment.