Existing Portfolio Review
Un-Clutter your Life
Over the years, you may have accumulated a variety of investment products into your personal portfolio. These may include stocks, mutual funds, bonds, fixed deposits, postal schemes, Property, Gold, and many other instruments. Some of you may also have kept a dormant portfolio for sentimental reasons. All these, over time, add unnecessary clutter and duplicity into your investment portfolio. You will surely feel burdened and helpless with all these complex investments. Our mantra – Keep it Simple.

Revitalize your existing assets
Normally, in these circumstances, Sunshine Financials will make do a review of your portfolio and help you make sense of it at a macro level. Next, we will recommend the changes that may be necessary that will help to re-vitalize your portfolio through a customized restructuring plan. We can help you to also implement this and then conduct regular reviews on this so you will never get into the same situation again.

A ‘Portfolio Review’ from Sunshine Financials will optimize your portfolio’s risk and expected returns. This, together with the Financial Planning and Risk Profiling process, will keep your invests simple and easy to understand.

Needless to say, Sunshine Financials will provide you with objective, Independent advise you can trust. Always!
To get a fresh perspective on how to achieve your financial goals, call us at +91 98455 99145 for a free appointment .